Basic concrete requirements.
The concrete should be smooth or even burnished and reasonably straight.
When building, concrete needs to specified at 25 MPA of strength. For best results and when desiring a slightly darker color, 32 MPA is recommended. (Feel free to call us for instructions on how to reduce the cost for this upgrades). These will give the floor a greater strength, consistency as well as reducing the chance of cracking and stone exposure.
Summary to remember:
ECO-INDUSTRIAL (None / minimal stone exposure)
What: 32 MPA concrete (preferred)
How: Highly burnished. (smooth)
Where: Placed everywhere e.g window frames and transitions to wet areas.

Basic concrete requirements.
Concrete should be reasonably smooth and straight.
When building, concrete needs to specified at 25 MPA of strength. For best results and when desiring a slightly darker color, 32 MPA is recommended. (Feel free to call us for instructions on how to reduce the cost for this upgrades).
The level of stone exposure will be determined by the flatness of the concrete slab. In the process of grinding/flattening the floor, high spots will be ground deeper revealing more stones while lower spots will expose less. This will create the random and unique exposure to the final finish.
Summary to remember:
RUSTIC (Random stone exposure)
What: 32 MPA concrete. (preferred)
How: Normal burnished. (semi smooth)
Where: Placed everywhere. e.g window frames and transitions to wet areas.

Basic concrete requirements.
Concrete needs to be well cured.
When building, concrete needs to specified at 25 MPA of strength. For best results and when desiring a slightly darker color, 32 MPA is recommended. (Feel free to call us for instructions on how to reduce the cost for this upgrades). A basic troweled finish without burnishing is recommended for a faster grind to expose stones.
Within reason, the original concrete does not need to be very straight, as the process itself will straighten the floor.
Summary to remember:
CLASSIC (All/full stone exposure)
What: 32 MPA concrete. (preferred)
How: Machine troweled but not smooth.
Where: Placed everywhere e.g window frames and transitions to wet areas.